1   开放时间

2   艺术家的责任
2.1   驻地项目
2.2   损坏
2.3   保险
2.4   签证
2.5   健康与安全
2.6   公共区域
2.7  垃圾处理和打扫
2.8   短期离开驻地

3   禁止的活动
3.1   任何打扰附近个人和其活动的行为,包括但不局限于危险行为,扰民噪音,怪异气味,危害健康或对基础设施的损坏。
3.2   制作或拥有任何危险物品,包括但不限于武器(刀具,枪支等),易燃和易爆物品。
3.3   往下水道倾倒任何腐蚀性物质或液体。
3.4   在驻地空间内保留,饲养和收养动物。
3.5   任何违反公共秩序和社会道德观的行为。  
3.6   举办宗教仪式或传播宗教主义。
3.7   政治性活动如宣扬政治主义,无论是支持或反对。
3.8  任何违法违章行为,犯法行为,包括但不限于宪法和刑法等。  
3.9   造成公共区域的障碍,如楼梯,走廊等,或在以上区域张贴标识和广告。
3.10  在未取得许可下改造或改装设施和设备。
4   对艺术家的支持
4.1   活动

4.2   展览

5   艺术品

6   运输
6.1   作品和材料运输产生的所有费用由艺术家承担。
6.2   运输由艺术家提前一周与驻地联络人协商安排。
6.3   艺术家自行负责打包需要运输的艺术品。

7   布展和撤展
7.1   布展花费(包括人工费,搭建材料费,运费等)由艺术家承担。
7.2   艺术家必须与驻地联络人协商其布展方案。

8   信息发布

  • 简历
  • 肖像
  • 艺术家简介
  • 驻地计划书/简介
  • 代表作品照片


9   销售
9.1   驻地期间,艺术家作品的销售,所产生的一切金额归艺术家所有,ACENTRICSPACE不收取任何佣金。
9.2   展览期间,展览作品的销售,所产生的一切金额归艺术家所有,ACENTRICSPACE不收取任何佣金。

10  复制品

11  取消驻地和改变驻地时间
11.1  艺术家在同意协议后,禁止取消其驻地项目。如艺术家取消其驻地项目,ACENTRICSPACE不退还驻地费用。
11.2  艺术家在同意协约后不能私自改变驻地时间。如艺术家因个人原因需提前离开驻地计划,ACENTRICSPACE不予返还艺术家所支付费用。

1   Time of Availability
During the agreed period of stay, the Artist will have full access to accommodation, studio, and communal space any time of the day.

2   Responsibilities of the Artist
2.1   Residence Activities
The Artist is responsible for obtaining prior approval from ACENTRICSPACE for all activities and events in residence. The Artist is responsible for all arrangements, associated costs, and outcomes of their activities, including but not limited to that research, production of work, exhibition, and associated events. The Artists provide their own materials, tools, and equipment for these purposes. (ACENTRICSPACE can provide assistance on source materials and equipment if deemed necessary to the Artist’s residence project and requested by the Artist in advance.)
2.2   Damages
The Artist is liable for the repair and replacement costs of any damaged property and equipment. The Artist must restore all used spaces and their furnishing to their original condition before checkout.
2.3   Insurance
ACENTRICSPACE does not provide any type of insurance for the Artist, the Artist is responsible for arranging insurance prior to arrival. The costs of insurance, health costs incurred in China, etc, are to be covered by the Artist.
2.4   Visa
It is the responsibility of the Artist to reach and apply for the appropriate visa (if necessary) and to carefully check the necessary documents, ACENTRICSPACE can provide a letter of invitation to the Artist and other required documents (depending on nationality) for this purpose on request.
2.5   Health and Safety
The Artist’s use of the facilities must ensure and abide by all requirements regarding health & safety regulations so as not to compromise their own safety or endanger the health and safety of others. The artist is to use the facilities, equipment, etc. at their own risk. Should the Artist suffer any injury, ACENTRICSPACE will not be held responsible. The Artist undertakes activity here under this understanding.
2.6   Communal Space
Artists are aware that all spaces outside of the assigned bedroom in ACENTRICSPACE Residency Accommodation and Studio are considered communal and may be accessed by others including program participants and ACENTRICSPACE staff members. In understanding that the studio space is communal, the Artist will make means to cooperate and respect the personal and working space of others. This includes but is not limited to the avoidance of excessive noise, and not smoking in the bedroom.
2.7   Waste Disposal and Cleaning
The Artist is responsible for ensuring the continued cleanliness of all residency facilities and regular waste disposal. Shared spaces are subject to inspection at regular intervals and ACENTRICSPACE staff may issue a warning. Before vacating the facilities, the Artist agrees to fully clean any spaces used and ensure that no garbage is left behind. The studio/gallery must be restored to its original state, with any holes or marks on the walls repaired fully. In the case of large items or those that cannot be disposed of through the usual garbage system, the Artist must notify a residence coordinator in advance and pay the cost of arranging special waste collection.
2.8   Day Leave and Furlough
The Artist is free to make a day trip or stay overnights elsewhere by themselves. Please inform the ACENTRICSPACE staff of the address and contact of the staying place for emergency purposes.

3   Prohibited Activity
The Artist agrees not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities. ACENTRICSPACE reserves the right to immediately cancel the residency at the Artist’s expense given any of the following. 
3.1   Any action that disrupts neighboring individuals and their activities, including but not limited to dangerous behavior, excessive noise, offensive odor, sanitation hazards, or damage to infrastructure.
3.2   The production or possession of any dangerous goods including but not limited to weapons (blades, firearms, etc.), flammable and/or explosives.
3.3   Pouring any substance or liquid that can corrode the drainage pipes.
3.4   The keeping, rearing, and adopting of animals in the facility.
3.5   Any action contrary to public order and social morality.
3.6   The organization of religious ceremony or religious dissemination of religious doctrine.
3.7   Political activity such as the promotion of political doctrine, regardless of being supportive or oppositional.
3.8  Any action in violation of applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to constitutional law and criminal law, etc.
3.9   The obstruction of communal areas such as stairs, hallways, etc., or the posting of signs and advertisements in said areas.
3.10  Any modifications to the facility or equipment without permission.

4   Support Towards the Artist
ACENTRICSPACE will provide facilities as described in Article 1 with the Artist’s understanding that these spaces are subject to sharing as described in Article 2.6.
The following support is possible only after the Artist has consulted with the residency director.
*Regarding the deadline for support requests:
The following support may not be possible without a stated request from the Artist at least 2 weeks in advance. With this request, the Artist will provide information as to the contents of the event, desired date and time, and any other information regarding the planning of the event.
4.1   Event
The Artist is provided with the opportunity to hold up to 1 event lasting up to 3 hours (including preparation time) during their residency in the assigned studio/gallery space that may take the form of an artist talk, workshop, performance, etc. A detailed plan for the event must be submitted at least 2 weeks ahead. All associated material requiring translation or interpretation must be submitted at least 1 week in advance.
Event support offered by ACENTRICSPACE: basic interpretation/translation, event listing on the residence website and social media account, poster design, photo, and video documentation, required audio or visual equipment (projector, speaker, microphone, etc.) (item may be limited due to availability, and certain equipment may cost an additional rental fee).
The responsibility of the Artist: All other publicity, materials, equipment, lighting (in the case of using space without spotlights), introducing the works, installation, and removal.
4.2   Exhibition
The Artist may join the group/solo exhibition of the residency works. The duration of an exhibition is between 3 days to 1 month. All associated material requiring translation or interpretation must be submitted at least 1 week in advance.
Event support offered by ACENTRICSPACE: Event listing on the residence website and social media, poster design, photo, and video documentation, required audio or visual equipment (projector, speaker, microphone, etc.) (item may be limited due to availability, and certain equipment may cost an additional rental fee).
The responsibility of the Artist: All other publicity, materials, equipment, lighting (in the case of using space without spotlights), introducing the works, installation, and removal.

5   Artwork
The Artist is responsible for the production of their work during the residency period on their own.

6   Shipping
6.1   All expenses encountered in the transport of work and materials are to be covered by the Artist.
6.2   Shipping arrangements will be coordinated by the Artist in consultation with the residence coordinator at least one week before the planned date of shipment.
6.3   The Artist is responsible for the proper packing of the work for the purposes of shipping.

7   Installation and Removal
7.1   Installation expenses (including labor fee, construction materials fee, shipping fee, etc) are to be covered by the Artist.
7.2   The Artist must consult the residence coordinator with regard to their installation plans.

8   The Release of Information
The Artist will provide the following material and agrees to its use by ACENTRICSPACE for promotional purposes (website, social media, paper documents, etc).

  • CV/Resume
  • Portrait image
  • Artist Statement
  • Project proposal/statement
  • Images of previous works

*The above must be submitted to ACENTRICSPACE no later than 1 week after the start of the residency.

9   Sale
9.1   The sale of work during the residency period will be between the Artist and collector, all proceeds of sales of artworks are to be kept by the Artist, ACENTRICSPACE will not take any commission.
9.2   The sale of work during the exhibition period will be between the Artist and collector, ACENTRICSPACE will not take any commission.

10  Reproductions
ACENTRICSPACE will be permitted to make the photographic reproduction of the Artist’s works produced in residency for the purpose of publicity, reviews, educational program, archival documentation, and catalog.

11  Cancellation and Changes
11.1  The Artist is prohibited from canceling their residency once agreed with this agreement. In the event of the Artist canceling their residency stay, there will be no refund from ACENTRICSPACE.
11.2  The Artist may not change the period of their stay after agreeing with this agreement. If the Artist needs to leave the residency program in the middle of their stay due to personal reasons, there will not be a refund from ACENTRICSPACE.