生活的快乐 Juego de living by Laura Ortego

Skills: 工坊 Workshop




Laura Ortego


Resident Artist Workshop

Juego de living

Laura Ortego


Laura Ortego是一位在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚出生和长大的摄影师,她的家族由来自西班牙、意大利、叙利亚和当地马普切人的移民组成。多年来,她致力于研究身份建构,特别是女性的身份建构。

Laura Ortego is a photographer born and raised in Argentinean Patagonia in a family comprised of immigrants from Spain, Italy, Syria, and Mapuches, the local population. She devoted her work to research identities construction, particularly of women, for several years. 



In 2004-2005 she did a photographic series, where she showed objects belonging to the women in her family called Juego de living.

Laura observes reality as a staging where each one chooses -as in a play- objects to represent it, that’s why she decided to shoot the items out of their daily context, in a scenery closer to a dream. In that case, to tell her family mythology instead of their family mythology: women who decided to build a home on an empty stage lashed by the wind, she placed them in the desert surrounding her hometown.


After that, she did it in Itoshima Shi, Japan, on the opposite side of her hometown, where she found women were minimalist and had just essential objects: a pair of chopsticks for each season, a stove, and a blanket…


Then she chose to do it in Istanbul, Turkey, the bridge between continents, where many women were also immigrants who had brought some objects from their hometown.


She is currently spreading the project to more countries, and working in collaboration with ACENTRICSPACE, she is going to give a workshop addressed to local women.

 工作坊流程 Workshop Details 

 第一部分 Part 1 

  • 在3月24号下午三点,第一次碰面。
  • 请携带与你有某种情感连接的三件物品。
  • 请简单的跟Laura介绍其背后的故事。
  • Laura会挑选其中一件物品进行为期三周的拍摄。
  • 保证会保护和照顾好被挑选的物品。
  • First meeting on 24 March 3PM.
  • To bring a little group of 3 objects the participants have a bond with.
  • Briefly tell her the story behind it.
  • Laura is going to choose one item to shoot for 3 weeks.
  • Promises to take good care of the object that was selected.

 第二部分 Part 2

  • 第二次碰面在4月14下午3点

  • 归还物品,并为参与的每位女性拍摄一张肖像照片。

  • Laura会以邮件的形式给参与的女性,以示感谢。

  • 赠送参与女性的肖像照,请参考下方视频。

  • 这个部分的系列作品最后会在8月Laura在ACENTRICSPACE的个展中展出。

  • The second meeting is on 14 April 3PM.

  • To give the objects back, take a photo portrait of every woman who had participated.

  • Laura will send participants a copy by e-mail as a way of exchange.
  • For complimentary portraits of participating women, please refer to the video below.

  • This series of works will be exhibited at Laura’s solo exhibition inACENTRICSPACE.

 报名方式 Sign Up 


Please sacn the QR code below to sign up


 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

(阿根廷 Argentina

Laura Ortego是一位摄影师,她出生于阿根廷。



她在国立电影学院学习摄影指导。2013年获得大都会艺术基金奖学金,2012年和2020年获得国家艺术基金奖学金,2019年获得布宜诺斯塞雷斯市赞助计划的支持。2007年获得国家摄影展二等奖她的作品曾在世界多个国家展出。她参与了中国北京和上海、日本京都和福冈以及土耳其伊斯坦布尔的艺术家驻地项目。她出版了两本影集:《印度电影摄影日记》和《北京女孩》。她与Leonel D’Agostino共同执导了一部关于老挝难民的纪录片《湄公河》,该片被选入2016年马德普拉塔电影节WIP单元。她还与中国和阿根廷文化杂志《当代》合作,共同制作了《Visita》- 一本数字出版物,收录了不同地方和不同学科的艺术家的照片和采访,以及他们的创作过程。

Laura Ortego is a photographer, she was born in Argentina.
Her topics are the construction of identities, mainly of women and diversities, transitions, particularly from childhood to adulthood and recently from different sexualities, migration, and the mix of Eastern and Western cultures.
She studied Direction of photography at the National Film School. She obtained scholarships from the Metropolitan Fund for the Arts in 2013, the National Fund for the Arts in 2012 and 2020, and the support of the Patronage Program of Buenos Sires City in 2019. She won the second prize at the National Photography Show in 2007. Her work was exhibited in several countries around the world. She participated in residences in Beijing and Shanghai, China, Kyoto and Fukuoka, Japan, and Istanbul, Turkey. She published two books: Photographic Diary of a Film in India and Girls Beijing. She co-directed with Leonel D’Agostino Mekong River, a documentary feature film about a Laotian refugee selected to be in the WIP section of the Festival of Mar de Plata 2016. She also collaborates with Dang Dai, a magazine of China and Argentina cultural exchange and she produces Visita, a digital publication of photo interviews with artists of different places and disciplines, about their creative process.