碎片:人工智能生成工作坊 Fragments: A Generative AI Workshop

Skills: 工坊 Workshop
Lead by Resident Artist Ray LC
 Fragments: A Generative AI Workshop 
15th December 16:30 
*This Workshop is a free event
Please bring your laptop with internet connectivity for this workshop
你的生命中是否有一个你从未见过面的人,但是这个人确是你身份和各种关系中的重要部分? 这个人可以是在你出生之前去世了的慈爱奶奶,或者是网上冲浪时总是为你辩护的线上好友,或者是一位在同一所学校上过学、在同一个社区一起长大,但是你们却从未真正的共事过。在本次工作坊中,我们将运用最新的文本转图像的AI生成工具,通过提供给AI模型,对于这个是你生命的重要部分,却未见过的人的描述,让你来探索这个问题。
艺术家将先向你展示一些有关“机器学习AI”的基础知识。然后,我们将使用目前最先进的工具-Stable Diffusion,有相关经验的参与者可使用安装版本,也可以使用易于访问的网络版。然后我们会分组,一期来想象这些你生命中素未谋面的人,以及我们与他们一起想象的未来。请携带可连WIFI的笔记本电脑参加本次工作坊。
本次工作坊是艺术家作品《我们想象力的碎片》的配套活动,也是将会在2023年12月24日在 ACENTRICSPACE举办的驻地展览作品的一部分。
Do you have someone in your life that you have never met in person, but have formed a key part of your identity, your relationship? She can be a caring grandma who passed away before you were born, or a friendly voice in a social media group who always defended you, or a colleague who went to the same school and raised in the same neighborhood you never get to work with. In this workshop, we apply the latest text-to-image Generative AI tool to allow you to explore this question by prompting AI models to depict the person you never met, but is a key part of your life.
We will first show you some basics about machine learning AI. We will then use the state-of-the-art tool Stable Diffusion, either in the installable version for those of you with computer experience, or the online easy-access version. Then we will split you into teams to generate your vision of these people in your lives and your imagined futures with them. Please bring your laptop with internet connectivity for this workshop.
This workshop is an accompanying programme of “Fragment of Our Imagination,” a part of the exhibition at ACENTRICSPACE that starts on 24 Dec 2023.

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

罗锐的艺术实践致力于创造人与机器之间联系的交互环境。他利用多种媒体中的人机交互和思辨叙事方法来探讨人类在空间环境影响的背景下适应技术和机器的方式。 他在艺术实践中从自己在神经科学(Nature Communications、J. Neurosci )和 HCI(CHI、CSCW、DIS、TEI、Frontiers 等)的研究中汲取观点,在BankArt、纽约科学馆、京都设计实验室、蒙特利尔Elektra国际数字艺术节奥地利林兹电子艺术节、NeON数字艺术、新博物馆、CICA博物馆、纽约短片纪录片电影节、NeurIPS、纽约Deconstrukt、Angewandte Festival、Elektron Tallinn、Floating Projects、赛马会创意艺术Centre、Osage Gallery、Soho House、澳门艺术双年展、Videotage、歌德学院、香港艺术中心、PMQ、密歇根州立大学底特律科学馆、IEEE VISAP、SIGGRAPH Asia参与过相关展览。
罗锐毕业于加州大学伯克利分校EECS数学 (BS)、加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 神经科学 (博士)、帕森斯设计学院 (MFA)。 他目前的创作利用人机交互和艺术技术干预来探索我们与机器的空间关系。 他曾荣获美国国家科学基金会、美国国立卫生研究院、日本科学振兴会、Verizon Connected Futures、Adobe 设计奖、微软Imagine Cup、通力基金会、戴维斯和平基金会、纽约艺术基金会、香港艺术基金会、香港研究资助局研究基金、香港城市大学创新学习奖、英国流明艺术科技奖的奖项。
RAY LC’s practice creates interaction environments for building bonds between humans and machines. He uses human-computer interaction and speculative narratives approaches in diverse media to probe the ways humans adapt to technologies and machines in the context of spatial environmental influences. He takes perspectives from his own research in neuroscience (pubs in Nature Communications, J. Neurosci) and in HCI (pubs in CHI, CSCW, DIS, TEI, Frontiers, etc.) in his artistic practice, with notable exhibitions at BankArt, New York Hall of Science, KYOTO Design Lab, Elektra Montreal, Ars Electronica Linz, NeON Digital Arts, New Museum, CICA Museum, NYC Short Documentary Film Festival, NeurIPS, Deconstrukt NYC, Angewandte Festival, Elektron Tallinn, Floating Projects, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Osage Gallery, Soho House, Macau Art Biennale, Videotage, Goethe Institute, Hong Kong Arts Centre, PMQ, Science Gallery MSU Detroit, IEEE VISAP, SIGGRAPH Asia.
RAY comes from Cal Berkeley EECS-Math (BS), UCLA Neuroscience (PHD), Parsons School of Design (MFA). His current work uses human-computer interaction and art-technology interventions to probe our spatial relationship with machines. He has been awarded by National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Verizon Connected Futures, Adobe Design Award, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Kone Foundation, Davis Peace Foundation, NY Foundation for the Arts, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund, CityU Innovative Learning Award, Lumen Prize.

Photos from the workshop led by artist Ray LC in Goethe-Institut Hongkong Library